- Save thousands of dollars on a designer and a programmer setting up everything you get here
- Over 15 pages of elements with examples and easy copy and paste code
- Fully Responsive Layout, Dashboard, 2 Login Screens and 2 Register Screens
- Code structure, build system, already hooked up to a locally run Restify and Socket.IO server built inside the gulp script
- Develop faster and get the benefits of having a professional without the cost
- Best of Breed Libraries (Angular, Gulp, Bower, SASS)
- Using BrowserSync for quick development and time-saving synchronized browser testing (http://www.browsersync.io/)
- Using Gulp to compile, build and show on your local server with a single save of a file
- Clean, DRY (Don't repeat yourself), Commented and Easy To Read Code
- Using Google's Material Design Pattern to make designing beautiful interfaces a breeze
- Using SASS for each component, view, theme and bower component
- Easy theming with either Material Design or your own custom design with example SASS theme
For developers that already have Node installed, it will be 3 steps. If you dont have Node installed then please download Node and then follow these steps.
Step 1: Install node packages by running the following command in the project directory.
npm install
Step 2: Install bower components, by running the following command in the project directory.
bower install
Step 3: Build and run the code, by running the following command in the project directory.